Monday, June 6, 2011

And Another Thing...

Blog title inspired by the fact that this is my second post in a matter of hours, and by this big band chart: Listen!

I wanted to stick up my To-Read list on here, to see if anyone has read any of my picks and can persuade me to read their picks first, and to hold myself accountable to getting them read!

So definitely let me know if you've read any of these yourself, or if you've heard anything good or bad about them!  Also, if there's any you think I should add, please, bring 'em on!!!

My List:

Country Under My Skin – Gioconda Belli

The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro

The Unconsoled – Kazuo Ishiguro

When We Were Orphans – Kazuo Ishiguro

Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen

Emma – Jane Austen

1984 – George Orwell

David Copperfield – Charles Dickens

A Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens

Crime and Punishment – Dostoyevsky

Ulysses – James Joyce

Dubliners – James Joyce

The Finkler Question – Howard Jacobsen

Disgrace – J.M. Coetzee

The Stone Angel – Margaret Lawrence

Oryx and Crake – Margaret Atwood

The Bone People – Hulme

Schindler’s Ark – Thomas Keneally

Obasan – Joy Kogawa

And more??


  1. So I've read Pride and Prejudice, Emma, 1984, Oryx and Crake and the Stone Angel. I LOVE Pride and Prejudice, I think it's possibly my favorite book ever. I re-read it probably twice a year, however if you don't like reading very in depth about "dances and tea parties" (that's what one of Mat's friends calls Jane Austen books) then it may not be for you. I also like Emma, but I prefer Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen is definitely my type of reading. 1984 depresses me, it's good but really I just find it super depressing and wouldn't ever read it again. I'm not an Atwood fan and Oryx and Crake didn't change that and I despise the Stone Angel, but I found it very 'Atwood-y' so if you like her you will probably like the Stone Angel! Good luck with your list! It is quite the list to say the least!
    As for suggestions: have you read, the Piano Man's Daughter by Timothy Findlay ? I love that book, plus he's Canadian! I also love The Colony of unrequited dreams (it's about Newfoundland).

  2. Thanks for the tips Ashley! I love Victorian Literature as a rule, so I think I'll enjoy Austen. I'm also a huge Atwood fan (I know, I know, many people aren't) so I'm pleased to hear that Stone Angel is written like her stuff. I read Lawrence's short story cycle, A Bird in the House and was pretty keen on it, so I think I'll like this other work of her's too.

    I'll add your suggestions to the list! I love reading Canadian Lit, and I also LOVE the word unrequited. Excited!

  3. Pride and Prejudice is a definite must. Then you must watch the movie version with Keira Knightley and laugh at her attempts to be as awesome as the book (she fails every time).

  4. Ooh! Also, I want every person in the world to read The Hunger Games (if they haven't already). It's so worth it. It rivals Harry Potter in my books (and it's definitely written better...sorry JK Rowling, no lack of love meant by that!)
